Judicial Ethics and Conduct



Judicial Ethics and Conduct provides materials that can be used in conjunction with a stand-alone one or two unit course on judicial ethics, or can be used in whole or in part to provide the basis for a sub-unit on judicial ethics within a standard course on legal ethics or lawyer professional responsibility. A heavy emphasis is placed upon the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct. The scope of coverage is designed to parallel that of the National Conference of Bar Examiners’ Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE), as it pertains to judicial ethics. More specific subjects covered include:  Maintaining the Independence and Impartiality of the Judiciary; Performing the Duties of Judicial Office Impartially, Competently, and Diligently; Ex Parte Communications; Disqualification; and Extrajudicial Activities. A number of important U.S. Supreme Court decisions relating to judicial ethics are covered. CALI Lessons are available that provide questions that review material from each of the chapters after the introduction. 

Here is a direct link to the related CALI lessons. 


78,760 Words, 182 Pages in PDF

Published First Edition March 2019

Teacher's Manual is available for faculty; please use your CALI credentials to login and gain access. 

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