Legal Writing

  • This Subject Area Index lists all CALI lessons covering Legal Writing.
  • The Legal Writing Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find suggestions for related CALI Lessons.
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Top 10 Tips for Successfully Writing a Law School Essay

In this podcast, Prof. Jennifer Martin discusses the top ten mistakes law students make in law school examinations. These are poor issue spotting, poor knowledge and understanding of the law, poor application of the law to the facts, giving only conclusory answers, lack of organization, errors in the facts, failure to understand the role you are given in the examination, padding, fact inventing, and question begging.

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Drafting Contracts Using 'Shall', 'May' and 'Must'

A large percentage of litigation arising out of contracts results from poor drafting. In order to eliminate this litigation, it is imperative that students and legal professionals master good drafting skills. One of the most important aspects of drafting a contract is the operative language--language that affects legal relationships. This lesson is designed to introduce law students to operative language commonly used in drafting contracts, in particular, language of obligation (shall), language of authorization (may) and language of condition precedent (must). 

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Ohio Legal Research: Citation Manual

This lesson teaches Ohio citation as governed by the Supreme Court of Ohio's recently published guide, Writing Manual: A Guide to Citations, Style and Judicial Opinion Writing (the "Writing Manual"). This lesson covers only the material contained in part I of the Writing Manual, which the lesson will refer to as the Citation Manual.
