Lessons are intended to support students in their development of critical-thinking skills and provide students with the meta-skills needed to succeed in law school.
- This Subject Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find related CALI Lessons.
- The Law School Success Index lists all CALI Lessons covering Law School Success.
- For related resources, see CALI's Bar Success and Planning topic.
Subject Outline
- Foundation - What Everyone Assumes I Know
- A Good Place to Start.... Depends on Where you are Beginning (LSS33) (Law School Success Lessons Overview & Finding Tool)
- Common Law Basics: What Faculty May Assume You Know (LSS20)
- Analysis 1: Thinking Like a Lawyer (LSS04) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- Time Management: Creating Your Plan (LSS09)
- Words Matter (LSS22)
- Metacognition (LSS03) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- Don't Compartmentalize! Transfer is the Key to Law School Success (LSS28)
- Law School Resources (LSS15)
- Law School Lingo: How to Navigate A Brand New Vocabulary (LSS36)
- Four Steps to Help with Course Selection (LSS37)
- Managing Pandemic Stress in Law School: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS43P)
- What to Expect in Law School: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS42P)
- First-Generation Student Experiences: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS49P)
- The Importance of Collegiality and Professionalism: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS52P)
- Got a Question? Tips on How to Talk to Your Professors (LSS51) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- Law School Myths: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS55P)
- Setting Realistic Expectations in Law School: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS56P)
- Primary v. Secondary Sources: Why Is Reading Cases So Hard? (LSS60) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- Class Prep - Before, During, After
- Preparing for Class 101: Preparing for Your First Day of Class (LSS34)
- Active Reading in Law School (LSS61P)
- Case Briefing (LSS13)
- Excavating Facts from Cases (LSS16)
- Finding The Rule (LSS21)
- Introduction to Rule Synthesis (LSS10)
- Note-Taking in Law School 101: The Basics (LSS08)
- Note-Taking in Law School 101: Case-Based Content (LSS14)
- Secrets to Improved Memorization (LSS27)
- Learning Tips and Retention: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS27P)
- Help! I am Zoning Out! (LSS35)
- Study Groups: Best Practices (LSS29)
- Class Participation Tips: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS45P)
- Cases & Outlining: The Basics (LSS40)
- Advanced Reading for Law School (LSS59) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- Exams - Preparing and Attacking
- Legal Writing v. Exam Writing (LSS24)
- Practice Makes Prepared: Discussion in Law School Success Podcast (LSS64P)
- Attacking Exams (LSS19)
- Outlining Basics (LSS17)
- Why Outlining Should Be Called Synthesizing: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS53P)
- IRAC (LSS01)
- Creating Study Aids (LSS02)
- Reading Comprehension Strategies for Exams (LSS23) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- Issue Spotting (LSS12)
- Hyped about Hypos (LSS25)
- Analysis 2: The "A" in IRAC: Application and Analysis (LSS06)
- Analysis 3: Using Your Facts (LSS58)
- Advanced Exam Writing - Using Cases on Final Exams (LSS38) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- A Methodical Approach to Improve Multiple Choice Performance (LSS05)
- Multiple-Choice Questions: Wrong Answer Pathology (LSS11)
- Mechanics of Memorization (LSS18)
- Bar Exam Basics: Discussion in Law School Success Podcast (LSS44P)
- The Night Before Your Exam… Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS46P)
- Types of Law School Exams: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS47P)
- Improving Exam Writing with Deductive Reasoning (LSS39) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- The Counterargument: A Key (But Often Overlooked) Part of Legal Reasoning (LSS48)
- 10 Tips for Essay Exam Writing: Discussions in Law School Success
- IRAC: There Is No Better Way! Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS57P)
- Reflection - Maintain or Improve on Prior Performance
- Competitiveness: Discussions in Law School Success (LSS65P)
- Grit, Growth, and Why it matters. Or, how to be gritty! (LSS30)
- Mindfulness Practice for Law School (LSS31)
- Assessing Your Own Work (LSS07)
- How to Learn from Exams (LSS26) (Includes video commentary from the author)
- Semester Self-Assessment & Reflection (LSS32)
- How to Tell If You're Falling Behind and What You Can Do About It: Discussions in Law School Success Podcast (LSS50P)
Revised May 01, 2023