- This Subject Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find related CALI Lessons.
- The Legal Research Index lists all CALI lessons covering Legal Research.
- The Legal Research by State Index lists all CALI lessons covering Legal Research by State.
Subject Outline
- Casebook: Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research, By Steenken & Brooks (2019)
- Research Technique - Broad Skills
- Introductory
- Where Does Law Come From? (LCS04)
- Legal Research Methodology (LWR07)
- Anatomy of a Case (LR47)
- Introduction to Search Logic and Strategies (LR59)
- Hold 'em, Fold 'em, Walk Away or Run: When to Stop the Search (LWR31)
- Cost of Legal Research (LR49)
- The Legal Research Game: Fee or Free Edition (LR58)
- Internet Legal Resources - Free Resources (LR18)
- Evaluating Web Sites (LWR39)
- Social Media Research Tools and Ethics (LCS09)
- Advanced
- Introductory
- Primary Resources
- Introductory
- Introduction to State and Federal Statutes (LWR15)
- Forms of Federal Statutory Publication (LWR30)
- Codification (LWR16)
- Finding Statutes (LR23)
- Updating Federal and State Statutes (LWR24)
- Statutory Interpretation (LCS03)
- Anatomy of a Case (LR47)
- How to Find Case Law Using the Digests (LWR29)
- Updating/Validating Case Law Using Citators (LWR36)
- Introduction and Sources of Authority for Administrative Law (LWR33)
- How to Research American Constitutional Law (LR113)
- Advanced
- How to Research Federal Legislative History (LWR14)
- Federal Legislative History Research - Compiled Legislative History (LR41)
- Reading Legislative History (LR137)
- Researching Federal Administrative Regulations (LWR06)
- Rulemaking: Federal Register and CFR (LWR19)
- Researching Federal Executive Orders (LWR22)
- Government Documents (LR96)
- How to Research American Constitutional Law (LR113)
- Constitutional Law Research: States (LR169)
- U.S. Treaty Research (LR55)
- Indian (Native American) Treaties (LR115)
- Introductory
- Secondary Resources - General
- Introductory
- Introduction to Secondary Resources (LWR35)
- Legal Encyclopedias (LWR40)
- American Law Reports (LWR21)
- Periodicals and Periodical Indexes (LWR34)
- Subject Specific Treatises (LR105)
- Using Citators as Finding Tools (LR104)
- Using the Restatements of the Law (LWR38)
- How to Research American Constitutional Law (LR113)
- Advanced
- How to Research Federal Legislative History (LWR14)
- Federal Legislative History Research - Compiled Legislative History (LR41)
- Reading Legislative History (LR137)
- Researching Uniform and Model Laws (LWR25)
- Agency Decisions and Orders (LR57)
- Internal Agency Materials (LR50)
- Secondary Sources: Practice Centers - The Evolution from Print Looseleaf to Practice Center (LR155)
- Introductory
- Secondary Resources - Specific Topics
- Current Awareness and Alerting Services (LR94)
- Preparing for Trial (LR118)
- Bringing it to the Jury and Beyond (LR123)
- Researching and Working with Procedural Forms (LR107)
- Researching and Working with Transactional Forms (LR103)
- Attorney General Materials (LR44)
- Non Legal Resource: Online News Sources (LR45)
- Company Research (LWR17)
- Consumer Law Research (LR111)
- Copyright and Trademark Legal Research (LR51)
- How to Research U.S. Patent Law (LR141)
- Federal Tax Research (LR60)
- Healthcare Law Research: An Introduction (LR134)
- Medical Research For Attorneys (LR68)
- Researching Social Security Disability Law (LR136)
- Researching Legal Ethics (LR43)
- Researching U.S. Immigration Law (LR53)
- Researching Judges (LCS12)
- Free and Low-Cost Resources
- Non-US Jurisdictions
- Introduction to Foreign Legal Research (LWR32)
- How to Research Foreign Constitutions (LR116)
- Researching Foreign Customary Law (LR148)
- Researching Historical Sources of the Civil Law (LR144)
- Supranational Organizations: The European Union (LR89)
- U.S. Treaty Research (LR55)
- Customary International Law (LR56)
- Finding International Court of Justice Opinions (LR66)
- United Nations Research (LR65)
- Intergovernmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LR80)
- Regional International Organizations (LR90)
- Tribunals and Truth Commissions (LR83)
- Introduction to Human Rights Research (LR76)
- Private International Law Research (LR77)
- Researching International Environmental Law (LR72)
- International Patent Law Research (LR170)
- State Legal Research
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Arkansas Legal Research: Primary Resources (LR98)
- Secondary resources
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Connecticut Legal Research: Primary Resources (LR146)
- Secondary resources
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Primary & secondary resources - in progress
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Primary resources - in progress
- Illinois Legal Research: Secondary Resources (LR119)
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Primary & secondary resources - in progress
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Primary resources - in progress
- Secondary resources - in progress
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Missouri Legal Research: Primary Resources (LR131)
- Secondary resources
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- New York Legal Research: Primary Resources (LR67)
- Secondary resources - in progress
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Primary & secondary resources - in progress
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Primary & secondary resources - in progress
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Legal Research: Primary Resources (LR130)
- Secondary resources
- Wyoming
- Canadian Law