LessonLink Lessons will generally appear exactly like a regular CALI Lesson. That's because they are one! They just have a special URL that allows your professor to track your score and performance. There are a few ways to tell if you are taking one.
- When you are running a CALI Lesson look for the LessonLink logo in the upper left of the Lesson viewer.
- You are sent to a CALI Courses page with several lessons listed. It will have "courses" in the URL and the CALI Lessons listed will have "LessonLink" in their URL.
- The URL of the CALI Lesson that your professor gives to you has "LessonLink" in it.
- When you view your "My Lesson Runs" dashboard, your professor's name will appear in the "professor" column. If it's a regular CALI Lesson, this column will be blank.