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Covenants of Title and Types of Deeds

This lesson is designed to teach a student about the various types of covenants of title in deeds and the different types of deeds arising from the covenants they contain. Students who are unfamiliar with real covenants are advised to review the CALI lessons related to real covenants before trying this lesson.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:

1. List the six types of covenants of title that have evolved under modern law.
2. Explain the protections each covenant of title provides.
3. Explain the distinction between present and future covenants of title.
4. Identify when a present covenant of title is breached.
5. Identify when a future covenant of title is breached.
6. List which of the covenants of title are present covenants of title.
7. List which of the covenants of title are future covenants of title.
8. Define a general warranty deed.
9. Define a special warranty deed.
10. Define a quit claim deed.

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