Ashley Ames Ahlbrand

Ashley is the Assistant Director for Public Services, specializing in educational technology for law libraries and law school curricula. She is a co-instructor in the face-to-face Advanced Legal Research course every Fall and Spring, and teaches an online version of the course every summer. Her primary research focus is the impact of emerging technologies on the legal profession and trends in legal education. Ashley is a member of the American Association of Law Libraries, the American Bar Association, and the Indiana State Bar Association. Ashley received her B.A. (magna cum laude) from the College of William & Mary in 2007, a J.D. from William & Mary School of Law in 2010, and a M.L.S. from Indiana University Bloomington in 2012. She is currently pursuing a graduate certificat in Instructional Systems Technology (instructional design) from Indiana University's School of Education; this certificate should be complete in Spring 2018.

CALI Lessons

This table shows Lessons and podcasts by this author. It includes Lesson title, CALI Topics for the Lesson, the date the Lesson was published on the CALI website, the date the Lesson was last updated, and run/usage totals for the past 30 and 120 days.

Note: usage information for podcasts is not available here and is marked as N/A.