2L-3L Upper Level Lesson Topics

First Amendment: Cases, Controversies, and Contexts

This Casebook (Second Edition, December 2019) is intended to be used in an upper-division course covering the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Its 14 chapters are substantially the same length, with the exception of Chapter One, the introduction, and Chapters Eleven and Twelve which in combination are the usual length. It is intended for 13 or 14 week semester that meets once or twice per week. Each Chapter contains a “Chapter Outline” at the beginning for ease of reference.

Bankruptcy Law and Practice

This is the fourth edition of Bankruptcy Law and Practice, a Casebook Designed to Train Lawyers for the Practice of Bankruptcy Law. It is designed for a one-semester course in debtor/creditor law and bankruptcy. The book deals with both creditor remedies and debtor protections, starting with state law collection remedies, exemptions, and the important special protections for secured creditors under both Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code and state real property recording acts.

Law of Wills

The purpose of this casebook is to train law students to think and act like probate attorneys. This book is meant to be used in conjunction with the author's book on the law of trusts. This book's focus is problem-solving and legal application; the book includes numerous problems, so law students can learn to apply the law they learn from reading the cases. It also contains collaborative learning exercises to encourage students to engage in group problem-solving.

Basic Income Tax

UPDATE: A revised edition of this book will be ready for fall 2023. Anticipated publication date is July 28, 2023.

This revised edition of a basic income tax text is for the 2022-2023 academic year. This edition incorporates the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and highlights of congressional responses to COVID. It is intended to be a readable text, suitable for a three-hour course for a class comprised of law students with widely different backgrounds. The text integrates several of the CALI drills that Professor James Edward Maule (Villanova University) prepared.

Sales and Leases: A Problem-based Approach

Sales and Leases is a coursebook for a 3-credit course in personal property sales and leases – the subject matter of UCC Articles 2 and 2A. This is the Second Edition. Adjustments could be made for other credit allocations and chapters can be used on a stand-alone basis. The course is designed so that students both review the rules and principles they studied in their first-year course in Contracts and learn the rules that apply to the subset of contracts for the sale and lease of goods.

U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2023

This is the tenth edition of this textbook, updated through December 15, 2022 for use beginning January 2023. 

In addition to incorporating new law and all inflation adjustments, this edition builds on updates made for the ninth edition and incorporates new charts pertaining to economic and tax data, including December 2019 CBO charts showing that income inequality between 2015 and 2020 (with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in 2017) worsened after taxes and transfers than before taxes and transfers are taken into account. 

The Ethics of Tax Lawyering, Third Edition

This chapter’s objective is to raise interesting tax ethics issues in practical contexts. There are 42 notes and questions to prompt and guide discussions, and primary source materials to inform the discussions (e.g., cases, IRC provisions, and Circular 230 excerpts).

17,067 Words, 63 Pages in PDF

Published 2015

A Teacher's Manual is available to faculty. Please login with your CALI credentials. 
