2L-3L Upper Level Lesson Topics

Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure 2014-2015

The Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure appear in the Appendix to Title 11 of the United State Code. This publication was made with data provided by the United States government on the Office of Law Revision Counsel Bulk US Code page at: http://uscode.house.gov/download/download.shtml This title is current through July 31, 2014.

All updates to this material will appear at the above URL.

Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure 2014-2015

The Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure appear in the Appendix to Title 28 of the United State Code.  This publication was made with data provided by the United States government on the Office of Law Revision Counsel Bulk US Code page at: http://uscode.house.gov/download/download.shtml  

This title is current through July 31, 2014.  All updates to this material will appear at the above URL.







Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 2015

Criminal procedure deals with the set of rules governing the series of proceedings through which the government enforces substantive criminal law.

This series of Federal Rules books, consisting of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure,  are powered by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School, and created in partnership with The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI). You may download the books for free, but remember that publishing these books is not free for our organizations.

Evidence: Plea & Plea-Related Statements (Rule 410)

This text is designed for use in a Evidence course as a stand-alone chapter. Specifically, this material covers FRE 410. Federal Rule of Evidence 410 was an attempt to codify common law precedent finding that withdrawn guilty pleas, pleas of nolo contendere, and offers to plead guilty and nolo contendere were inadmissible against an accused.

12,900 Words, 38 Pages in PDF

Published 2013

Land Use

This text explores the laws governing the use of land. Sometimes narrowly focused, often intensely local, land use regulation may give the impression of a highly specialized field with small stakes.

The text is divided into three parts:

(1) First, we will survey the ordinary, local administrative scheme of land use regulation. The cases in this section are intended to establish what that system is and what it’s standards are.

Evidence: Best Evidence Rule

The Best Evidence Rule, contained in Article X of the Federal Rules of Evidence (Rules 1001-1008) and state counterparts, is a Rule that requires a party seeking to prove the contents of a writing, recording, or photograph to produce the original (or a duplicate) or account for its nonproduction. Through a series of cases and hypotheticals drawn from actual cases, this chapter gives readers a roadmap for how to address any Best Evidence Rule issue in practice.
