Frequently Asked Questions

CALI Lessons scores only viewable by the student and in aggregate by CALI for purposes of research and improvement of CALI lessons. When faculty view scores, it is only after students have explicitly given their permission with full disclosure. If you have any concerns, please contact us directly for further discussion.

LessonLink Lessons will generally appear exactly like a regular CALI Lesson. That's because they are one!  They just have a special URL that allows your professor to track your score and performance. There are a few ways to tell if you are taking one.

  1. When you are running a CALI Lesson look for the LessonLink logo in the upper left of the Lesson viewer.
  2. You are sent to a CALI Courses page with several lessons listed. It will have "courses" in the URL and the CALI Lessons listed will have "LessonLink" in their URL.
  3. The URL of the CALI Lesson that your professor gives to you has "LessonLink" in it.
  4. When you view your "My Lesson Runs" dashboard, your professor's name will appear in the "professor" column. If it's a regular CALI Lesson, this column will be blank.

For citing a CALI lesson in bluebook format, you should generally follow rule 18.2.2. Here’s an example:

  • Wayne Schiess, Punctuation and Grammar Basics for Law Students, The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (September 12, 2014),

With ALWD, you will follow rule 40.0 and its subdivisions. Here’s the same lesson in ALWD format:

Yes, however only faculty may download CALI Lessons to their computer. Using our AutoPublish feature, you can then republish the lesson with any edits that you choose to make.

Clicking that link will not save the CALI Lesson to your web browser. Instead, we provide users with a way of saving links to CALI Lessons in one place - the Bookmarks dashboard. This is a way to keep track of CALI Lessons that you may want to take, not just ones that you have taken, without searching through our library of over 1,000 CALI Lessons. You can always remove a CALI Lesson bookmark at any time.

CALI Lessons are generally designed so that students can run them without supplemental materials. However, several Civil Procedure exercises encourage users to read parts of the Roger C. Park and Douglas D. McFarland book called Computer-Aided Exercises on Civil Procedure (7th ed. 2014) (eLangdell Press). This book is available for free in several formats from CALI's eLangdell Press.