1L - First Year Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the first year of law school.
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Advanced Reading for Law School

Law students are excellent readers, and this skill will lay the foundation for success throughout life. However, reading in law school requires more precision than previous educational activities. This lesson will deepen individuals reading skills specifically within the context of legal reading.

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Analysis 3: Using Your Facts

Have you ever compared your essay to a sample answer, or one with a higher grade, and wondered what was different about yours? Especially if you seemed to use all the correct law? It's likely that you aren't using your facts enough!

This lesson will explain why it's important that you use your facts, as well as help you to do just that!

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International Patent Law Research

This lesson is an overview of how to research international patent law. It will cover both how to find sources of patent laws for countries besides the United States, and how to find sources of multi-national laws, such as treaties and other agreements, that govern the enforcement and regulation of patents between countries.
