CALI Excellence for the Future Award

The CALI Excellence for the Future Award® is given to the highest scoring student in each law school class at many law schools.

You can view awards for all participating law schools here.

About half of our 200 member law schools distribute CALI Awards, and most of them post award recipients here. If your school would like to start giving CALI Awards, let us know.  Some law schools participate in the awards program but DO NOT allow the awards to be viewed from our website.  

CALI Award Winners LinkedIn® Group:

If you have won a CALI award, you can join The CALI Award LinkedIn® Group. The link will take you to the unlisted CALI Award LinkedIn® Group page. Once on the webpage, look for "CALI Award Winners" at the top and click on the three (3) dots to the right.  A dropdown menu will appear.  Select "Request to join".  A notice of your request will be sent to the CALI Team for review/approval.

For approval, your CALI Award must be listed under the "Accomplishment/Honors and Awards" section in your profile.  Due to changes within LinkedIn, you will not see a CALI badge in your profile.

Virtual Awards:

You may have noticed that URL in small font at the bottom of your award. That's the permanent URL of your virtual award. You can link to it from online resumes, profiles, and biographies.

Other award links: