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New and Revised Titles for 2023 - 2024

Bankruptcy LawBankruptcy Law and Practice - Professor Gregory Germain (revised for fall 2023)

Criminal Law -  Criminal Law: An integrated Approach: Professor Alice Ristroph (revised for fall 2023)

Legal Research -  Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research, Professors Beau Steenken & Tina Brooks (revised for fall 2023)

Legal Writing - NEW - Writing for Clinical Students: Professor Nan Haynes - Available here for Fall 2023 (including examples and interactive questions). Print version available in late July.

Sales - Sales and Leases: A Problem-based Approach - Professor Burnham & Juras (revised for fall 2023)

Tax Law - Basic Income Tax - Professor William Kratzke (revised for fall 2023)

Tax Law - Corporate Tax - Professor William Kratzke (revised for spring 2024)

Tort LawTort Law: A 21st Century Approach, Professor Zahr K. Said (the book includes interactive questions) (revised for fall 2023)

Worker's CompensationA Treatise of Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Law - Professor Michael Duff


New Titles in Progress

  • Social Media Law: Professor Thaddeus Hoffmeister - Spring 2024 (the book will include interactive questions embedded within the text)
  • Constitutional Law: Individual Rights: Professor Jud Campbell - Spring 2024 (the book will include supplemental videos)
  • Copyright: Professor Brian Frye
  • International Law - A Survey: Professor Milena Sterio
  • Sales - A Casebook, and Sales Supplement (including example contracts) Professor Jane Winn
  • Constitutional Law: Individual Rights  - Professor Steven Schwinn (Fall 2024)
  • Constitutional Law: Structure and Governance - Professor Steven Schwinn (Spring 2024)
  • Legal Writing: Legal Argumentation - Professor Brian Larson (Spring 2024)

Visit eLangdell® Press to see all OER titles available.

Revised July 17, 2023