
  • This Subject Area Index lists all CALI lessons covering Contracts.
  • The Contracts Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find suggestions for related CALI Lessons.
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Discussions in Contracts: Manner of Acceptance: Bilateral and Unilateral Contracts Podcast

This podcast explains how to determine if the offer is one that can be accepted by a return promise, a return promise or performance or whether a return performance is required. Sometimes you will hear reference to bilateral and unilateral contracts. The terms bilateral and unilateral do not relate to the number of parties to the contract. Instead, a bilateral contract is where there is a set of mutual promises made by both parties.

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Discussions in Contracts: Offer Podcast

The topic of this podcast is the basic concepts related to offers. In particular, the podcast examines the basic attributes of offers and also looks at the particular types of communications that are typically not offers, such as advertisements and price quotations. Cases discussed include Lefkowitz v. Great Minneapolis Surplus Store (fur coat ad) and Fairmont Glass Works v. Cruden-Martin Woodenware Co.

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Duration of Offers

This lesson deals with the duration of offers. The existence of an offer is often an essential element of the bargaining process. Sometimes the offeree's power of acceptance will end so that the offer is no longer valid. This lesson will look at termination of the power of acceptance by termination of the offeror, revocation and counteroffer, rejection, death and lapse.

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Discussions in Contracts: Duration of Offers Podcast

The topic of this podcast is how to determine the duration of the power of acceptance in the offeree and whether that power of acceptance has been terminated. Recall that a contract is a promise or set of promises which the law enforces. Ordinarily, the manifestation of mutual assent takes place by virtue of an offer by the offeror, which is then followed by an acceptance by the offeree. Once an offer is terminated, the power of acceptance is no longer present unless the offeror revives the offer at a later time.

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Discussions in Contracts: Option Contracts and Firm Offers Podcast

The topic of this podcast is how to determine whether the offeror can terminate the offer or whether the offer is irrevocable. Recall that a contract is a promise or set of promises which the law enforces. Ordinarily, the manifestation of mutual assent takes place by virtue of an offer by the offeror, which is then followed by an acceptance by the offeree. Typically, an offeror can revoke an offer freely at any time prior to acceptance, but at times an offer is irrevocable. An offer may be found to be irrevocable in four situations, discussed in this podcast.

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The lesson takes up issues such as the manner of acceptance, who can accept, silence as acceptance, rejection and counter-offer.

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Discussions in Contracts: Acceptance Podcast

The topic of this podcast is the basic concepts related to acceptance of an offer. Acceptance is simply the name given to the action of an offeree in making the offeror’s promise enforceable. This podcast will look at the basic attributes of acceptance, as well as specific issues related to the mirror image rule, the permitted method and manner of acceptance, and acceptance by silence.
