Landlord and Tenant: Tenancy at Will
This lesson in landlord-tenant law addresses the tenancy at will, also known as the estate at will. Topics include creation of the tenancy at will by express agreement, creation by implication, and termination of the tenancy at will by notice. Hybrid transactions in which one or both parties relinquish or modify their right to terminate at any moment are also considered.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Define a tenancy at will.
2. Discuss how the duration of a tenancy at will is determined.
3. Compare the two forms of implied tenancy at will.
4. Explain how parties might create a tenancy at will.
5. Explain how parties might terminate a tenancy at will.
6. Review the impact notice plays in terminating a tenancy at will.
7. Discuss the impact of a party's attempted transfer of the party's interest in a tenancy at will.
8. Relate the impact of the demise of one of the parties.
9. Describe a hybrid lease.